Sunday, 28 December 2008

A Sorrowfull Anouncement

Today Fr. David announced that sadly he shall be leaving us in February. This is a great surprise to us all, but sadly Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue has decided that he would like Fr David to move to Milnthorpe to be Parish Priest at Christ the King. Fr David's Replacement shall be Canon Alf Hayes. It is with this we thank Fr. David for all he has done for us in the short time he has had with us. *

Friday, 14 November 2008

Feast of St Edmund

This Weekend we celebrate the feast of St Edmund of Canterbury with solemn Exposition. Our Church will be open after morning mass on Saturday until 16:00, and will open again after Sunday Mass until 16:00. Everyone Welcome.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Parish Book of Remembrance

As November draws closer once again our Parish Book of Remembrance will be out for you to write the names of your deceased loved ones in.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Thank you

On Behalf of the Parish, the of the Parish Pastrol Council would like to thank Charlotte for all the work she has dont over the last 51 years as secretary / treasurer of APF for out Parish. Charlotte has decided the time has come for someone new to take responsibility within our Parish, there for we are appealing to anyone in our Parish that could find the time to take on this role, to let a member of the Parish Pastrol Council know within the near future. Thank you

Welcome to our Blog

Today comemerates the creation of our blog. Here we will post messages and news articals to let you know what is going on in the parish. Dont forget to keep checking.