Education Sunday takes place on 31 January. The theme for 2010 is Called to Serve.
Message from Bishop Malcolm McMahon
"The elusive factor that often characterises our schools is referred to as ethos. Ethos is a term that is difficult to get hold of. It is expressed in the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural threads that run through the whole of education, the subjects that are taught and the way they are delivered, the way school is managed, the behaviour of the staff and children, the quality of the school dinners, the refereeing on the football pitch. The relationship which the teacher has with the individual pupil or student is usually a unique forum in which the young person is guided in discovery of the truth beyond the bare facts of the subject to that which is Truth itself. An awesome responsibility!
"The teacher in a Catholic School has a special role because for them the child or student is not just a person to be trained for life but someone who has been created by God to reach a fulfilment which is beyond our imaginings. For a person to take on responsibility for our young people and become a teacher is more than finding a job which is personally satisfying, it is to become a partner in God’s plan for a better world."
Bishop Malcolm McMahon,
Chairman, Catholic Education Service for England and Wales