Pope Benedict XVI has decided that today shall be World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2009.
Not only is today about Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, but also to other professions.However i am going to promote Vocations to the Catholic Priesthood. Our website has a regular updated section on Vocations to the Priesthood which features Booklets, Prayers, Videos and links.
The Section on the Priesthood can be accessed if you click here.
It’s All About Prophets is the tagline for this year’s poster that is being sent to parishes and schools all over England and Wales for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday 3rd May.
The image (above) shows a number of men and women around a board-room table; some of them have name-plaques indicating the vocational choices they have made and others are writing down possible choices to indicate that they are ‘discerning’. The business setting is a timely reminder that a vocation is an active decision not necessarily to pursue money, power or fame but to follow Christ use our talents in the service of others.
In addition to the poster, schools will have access to resources that will encourage students to reflect on the varieties of vocation in today’s Church and their own faith journey.
Usefull websites:
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