Today, is the feast of Christ the King, young people across England & Wales are gathering to celebrate National Youth Sunday.
This year’s National Youth Sunday links Pope Benedict’s World Youth Day message with the feast of Christ the King. The Pope addresses young people on the theme of hope, saying that although youth is “a special time of hope”, it can also be marked by a “crisis of hope” when difficulties threaten to overwhelm us. He encourages young people to follow the example of St Paul in being witnesses of hope, placing our hope in Christ, the living God.
Today, young people across England & Wales will gather in their parish and chaplaincy communities to celebrate Christ’s universal kingship and their place in the Church. This feast day has been chosen by the Bishops of England and Wales as a time to also highlight and celebrate the place of young people in the Church, who learn and live the faith enthusiastically and give generously of their time in voluntary activities.
Visit the official site for National Youth Sunday 2009
Events will be taking place in parishes in every diocese of England and Wales. In preparation for these vibrant local liturgies, young people have been reflecting on the Pope’s message through prayer, Eucharistic adoration, drama and art, and taking the saints as examples of witnesses to hope.
National Youth Sunday is resourcing these events following Pope Benedict’s invitation to celebrate the next two World Youth Days locally, building a “spiritual itinerary” that will culminate in the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid.
Our Local Youth Mass is to be held at St John Southworth, Cleveleys at 4pm.
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