Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, the Lord God laments the lack of good government among his people, a government which in this passage are called shepherds. Instead of placing the interests of God’s people above their own, these so called rulers were responsible for them being scattered and sent into exile. Almighty God demands ethical behaviour of the highest
standard in those who have been entrusted with responsibility for the common good and welfare of others. That demand on those who govern is as valid today as ever it was. The prophet goes on to speak of the day when God himself will send a truly just and impartial leader to this people, whom we now know and believe to be his only Son, Jesus Christ.
That righteous ruler, St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Ephesians, would bring peace, justice and unity to the divided nations of the world through the sacrifice of himself on the cross. By offering himself in obedience to the Father, the Lord Jesus broke down the seemingly insurmountable barriers that separated the Jewish people from the gentile world. Through his blood he has made atonement for the sins of the whole world and conferred on us all the dignity of adopted sons and daughters of God his Father. Each one of us believers really does need to take up the invitation of Jesus Christ, come apart, and ponder the wonder of it all.
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