My dear people of St. Margaret Clitherow’s,
As you must know, the church dedicated to Saint Margaret Clitherow on Lytham Road has been closed since Easter of this year. The reasons for this closure will also be well known to you; for example, a leaking roof and general deterioration of the church fabric. There were a number of options open to the Diocese where Saint Margaret Clitherow’s church was concerned. Short-term repairs could have been carried out at limited cost, or major work undertaken running to many thousands of pounds. Neither of these choices was felt to be pastorally justified or appropriate.
Therefore, in the light of the recent Fit for Mission? deliberations, the proximity of other Catholic churches, and a feeling that Mass-going Catholics are generally well served in the area, as Bishop of the diocese I have taken the decision to close Saint Margaret Clitherow church for worship with immediate effect. The closure of a church is never an easy decision, but in this instance I do believe that this is the right choice.
I thank you for your understanding, and ask that we pray for one another to remain strong in our Catholic faith, above all in our love for the Mass and the abiding presence of the Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
With my blessing,
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