The Diocese of Lancaster has published here (on 11 June) an updated version of Sustaining Pastoral Presence: Swine Flu outbreaks that draws on the latest medical information and medical guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Centre for Disease Control and the Health Protection Agency.
Mr Jim McManus and Rev Nick Donnelly, with the mandate of Bishop Michael Campbell, have developed their original work in response to WHO declaring a global pandemic of Swine Flu (H1N1). Both authors are the architects of the advice given in the UK Government booklet: Faith Communities and Pandemic Flu: Guidance for Faith Communities and Local Influenza Pandemic Committees (2009).
The key message of the updated document is that it is important that we all keep calm, and carry on with life as normal. At the present time, there is no need for any special measures to be taken i.e. suspending the use of the chalice at Mass for the people and removing the choice of receiving the sacred host in the tongue. These decisions would be made by the diocesan bishop should a serious outbreak ocurr in the local area.
Having said this, there are things to be done to prepare for the possibility of flu outbreaks in your area. The document provides a simple check-list to help parish priests and key members of the parishes begin to put plans in place in the event that there is an outbreak of Swine Flu in the area.
The new document can be downloaded from our website here
(from the Diocesan website)
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