The prayer which springs from that purity of heart and tears of compunction is the Lord’s prayer.
This prayer teaches us the right relationship between God our Father and our neighbour. Saint Benedict highlights an aspect of this teaching when he says:
“that the lord’s prayer is to be said in the hearing of all. The purpose of this is the removal of those thorns of scandal, or mutual offence, which are wont to arise in communities. For, being warned by the covenant which they make in that prayer, when they say Forgive us as we forgive, the brethren will cleanse their souls of such faults”.
The Lord’s prayer has the power of transformation as expressed in Scripture "my word that goes forth from my mouth shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it”.
Let us strive to come to a deeper understanding and knowledge of the Lord’s prayer which has the power to renew us, sanctify us, forgive our sins and lead us to the kingdom for whose coming we pray.
(Written by Abbot Cuthbert Johnson.)
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