The relationship between the mystery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in God’s plan of salvation and the mystery of the Church as the sacrament of salvation is so close that one cannot be understood without the other. In the teaching of the Church and in the Liturgy the same biblical symbols are applied to the Church and to the Blessed Virgin. Both are symbolised by the tree of Paradise whose fruit is Christ, both are the Ark of the Covenant, the gate of Heaven, the Bride arrayed for her husband and the woman in the book of revelation, clothed with the Sun and victorious over the Dragon. In the mind of the Fathers of the Church Mary is the ideal figure of the Church, she mirrors and reflects the Church. Looking to Mary the Church finds her model and example. The obedience of Mary and the obedience of the Church are the same, she accepted to become the mother of our salvation, from her womb was born the Redeemer, from the womb of the Church, the baptismal font are born the Redeemed, those who are configured to Christ. In the Sacraments the Church brings forth daily Him whom the Virgin Mary brought forth in Bethlehem.
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